BUVI Scandinavias NEWS
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ROV and Sonobot USV demonstration in Finland
Security and surveillance solutions. ROV and Sonobot 5 USV.
Sonobot 5 USV for hydrographic surveys
See the movie from InfraGeoTech´s training for Hydrographic Surveys with Sonobot 5 USV.
Denmark is not just talking about climate and sustainable energy, they are acting NOW.
See the movie how BUVI Scandinavia’s customer works in the North Sea with SRV-8 ROV.
Underwater from M / S Estonia
Underwater from M / S Estonia. Remember to read BUVI Scandinavias latest Newsletter
BUVI Scandinavia on Demo trip in USA
BUVI Scandinavia on Demo Trip on the east coast of the USA together with EvoLogics GmbH.
Subscribe to BUVI Scandinavias Newsletter. Comming in June.
Sign up for BUVI Scandinavia's Newsletter - June
Content examples:
BUVI Scandinavia customers work at Estonia.
Denmark is building the world's first energy island in the North Sea.
BUVI Scandinavia is preparing
We welcome our customers to a day of training in SeaTrac positioning.
How to get started with your SeaTrac Navigation / Position system
How to get started with your SeaTrac Navigation System.